woensdag 20 februari 2008

Run like Sergio Marques

Voor degene die Marques niet kennen, dat is de Portugese Gerrit Schellens. WDD had een interview met zijn trainer, hier de belangrijkste besluiten op een rijtje.

Run everyday - For Sergio, running everyday is a given. Sometimes a run for a particular day is not scheduled and that often leads to some “secret training”.
- Run hard, run long - On top of the most traditional long run, that does not excceed 2:30h, another staple of Sergio’s program is a second long run that is done at a pace that is faster than Ironman marathon pace.
- Do hill repeats - Short, steep hills during the off-season. Go up hard and recover on the downhill. Great for ankle/achilles strenghtening.
- No such thing as a junk mile - Keep your overall mileage up by doing short (45-60min) runs, even if at a very easy pace.
- Learning to push yourself - Sergio runs only with just a watch on unmarked trails. The only time he has accurate splits is when he races. This allows him to focus on himself and what what he can achieve on any given day. When racing, he focus on achieving the best he can on the day.

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